Ancona Chickens: Size, Characteristics, Height And History


This breed of Ancona black chicken has white tips on the tips of its feathers, making it a wonderful sight to see. Since it originated in Ancona in Italy, it belongs to the Mediterranean Class. In the late 1800s, they were brought over from England.

In terms of white egg production, Anconas excel thanks to their heat tolerance and friendly demeanor; they are generally non-setters.

Leghorns are comparable in size and weight to this species. In areas where owls, hawks, and other animals of predation are an issue, their black coats and energetic personalities make them an excellent choice for breeding because they don’t stand out as much as lighter-colored breeds.

There are some back patterns on the yellow upper mandible beak of the Ancona chicken.

It has orange-red eyes. Yellow is the hue of their skin, with white lobes. Medium-sized comb with five distinct markings.

Ancona roosters are distinguished by their enormous, red, wood single combs, which are distinctive features.

Weight of Ancona

Ancona chickens grow to a weight between 6lbs for cocks and  1/2 lbs for hen and pullet: 4 lbs, with a well-developed breast muscle. This makes them one of the heaviest breeds of chicken.


Birds like anconas, which are little and lovely, are not likely to become inseparable. They lay a big quantity of medium-sized white eggs and are non-sitters.

Chicks are strong and quick to mature. Foraging in the open air is their favorite activity because they are such active, alert small birds. In order to keep them safe, large fences are required. They are not pleased in restricted spaces.

If handled from an early age, they can become fairly trusting and even tame with proper care and kindness. The white patches on their feathers grow larger with each molt, so the whiter the feathering becomes as the bird ages.


Ancona chickens come in a variety of sizes, from large to miniature, although they are generally smaller than other breeds and have black coats with white patches. Their legs and beaks are bright yellows with a black swath on them.

As with other Mediterranean breeds, they have long brilliant red wattles and white v-shaped tips to the feathers with a beetle green metallic sheen the feathers. They could have either a rose comb or a single comb.

White and black spots on the chicks’ skin make them adorable.


The Ancona, like the majority of Mediterranean breeds, is not an outgoing bird. When they don’t have a feed bowl in hand, these hens tend to be flighty and timid and avoid their keepers. Hens are not prone to broodiness and rarely sit on a clutch of eggs, making them ideal for raising chickens.

Hand-reared birds may be friendlier, but they’re not the best choice if you’re looking for a pet that can live with you and your family.

Egg Production

The Ancona’s egg output is actually pretty high. This is a great choice for your laying flock, laying on average 220 eggs per year. This species of chicken produces white, big eggs.

Anconas start laying at a young age, and pullets reared early in the year often begin laying at sixteen weeks of age and continue to lay throughout the year, save for the molt.

This white egg-laying machine, the Ancona, produces 300 eggs for every 100 pounds of feed, beating out all of its competitors. All other breeds’ eggs were lighter than those laid by Anconas.

In addition to being exceptional egg producers, females are great foragers and can even fly. White to cream-colored eggs are common, but you can also get white eggs with crimson earlobes if you’re lucky.

They prefer to forage in areas where humans are not present, and they are extremely active, vigilant, and fearless.

In the beginning, they may be a little restless, but they’ll soon get used to it. As they grow older, several of the birds will turn whiter and whiter.


In the beginning, you should feed your chicks chicken mash, a processed chicken feed with increased protein content, in order to ensure that they grow properly.

You can switch to chicken pellets or growers mash, which have less protein (15-16) when your chickens are 6 weeks old. You can feed them this till they are 18 weeks or 4 months old.

After 18 weeks of age, you can begin feeding your chickens a mixture of layers of mash or pellets, which provides all of the nutrients they need to produce eggs. This feed normally has around 16 percent protein.

You can feed your chickens between 80g and 120g a day. On average, a chicken consumes about 113 grams of feed each day. Feed them this quantity and see how much they like it.

Your choice is whether or not to serve them in the mornings and evenings, but you may even keep the food out all day.

Here is a quick summary of Ancona

This chicken breed has been around for a long time. Ancona, Italy’s Adriatic Sea harbor, is where this beautiful chicken comes from. There is presently only a handful of Anconas in Italy, which were brought over from Italy in the late nineteenth century and reared in England.

On half to a third of their feathers, Ancona has black backgrounds with a green sheen as well as a white V-shaped tip. All Mediterranean breeds have white ear lobes that are typical of this type of breed.

In contrast to color variations, this breed’s comb differences make them a lot of fun. American Poultry Association has accepted both single combs and rose comb variations.

Identifying your older Anconas in the flock is as simple as observing the color of their feathers. Each molt, an Ancona re-grows more white feathers than before. There will be more white feathering on older birds than on younger ones by the time they reach the age of three or four.


What color eggs do Ancona chickens lay?

At least 220 white eggs a year are produced by the Ancona hen, and each egg weighs at least 50 grams. There is little broodiness in hens; pullets may begin laying at the age of five months.

Are Ancona chickens good layers?

The Ancona is also an excellent egg-laying breed. Every year, anconas lay about 220 huge, beautiful eggs. When handled calmly and consistently, Anconas can be quite placid, despite their reputation for being flighty.

Are Ancona chickens rare?

This chicken breed has been around for a long time. In the late 1800s, it was imported from Italy, bred in England, and brought to the United States. These are exceedingly hard to come by breed.

How long do Ancona chickens live?

There are no known health issues specific to Ancona chickens. Ancona hens can live for up to eight years in an ideal setting.

At what age do Ancona chickens start laying eggs?

Ancona chickens will begin laying around the age of twenty weeks and continue to do so throughout the year. In the winter, these chickens are so unfazed by the cold weather that they will cheerfully lay at the same rate as in the summer.

How can you tell if Ancona is a rooster?

Ancona roosters are distinguished by their enormous, red, wood single combs, which are distinctive features. With their long, curling tail feathers, they have a very majestic appearance. The huge white earlobes of roosters, which have an almond-like form, can be rather stunning. White Leghorn chickens and Ancona hens share several traits.


Chicken Breeds and Varieties (A2880), John L. Skinner, University of Wisconsin-Madison

The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy, Box 477, Pittsboro, N.C. 27312

“Ancona Chicken.” The Livestock Conservancy. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 June 2015.  The Livestock Conservancy | PO Box 477, 33 Hillsboro St, Pittsboro, NC 27312