Can chickens eat arugula?(Benefits, Risks, Serving Size)


Arugula is a green leafy vegetable that tastes great in salads. It’s also high in vitamin K and A and has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.

But what about chickens? Can chickens eat arugula? This blog post will explore the nutritional benefits of arugula for humans as well as its effects on chickens.

Can chickens eat arugula?

Can chickens eat Arugula (1)

Absolutely, they sure can. It’s a healthy and nutritious vegetable with a strong peppery taste that makes an excellent addition to their diet!

As I said earlier, there are many benefits of eating arugulas such as high levels of vitamins K and A which are essential to a chickens’ health.

Arugula also has anti-inflammatory properties which means it can help chickens who are feeling under the weather or recovering from an infection.

It’s important for chickens that have been incubating eggs to get enough protein in their diet, and arugula is high in proteins. Arguably one of the best reasons chickens can eat arugula is that it has a strong peppery taste.

Key Takeaways:

 Arugula is high in vitamin K and A which are essential to chickens’ health.

Arguably one of the best reasons why chickens can’t eat honey, or at least isn’t good.

health benefits of Arugula for chickens.

Arguably one of the best greens for humans, arugula also has a number of nutritional benefits that chickens will enjoy. With only 3% calories from fat and 27% sodium content, it’s no wonder this is an excellent choice for your chicken feeders!

It’s packed with minerals like calcium and iron which are essential to their growth as well as antioxidant properties to help protect them against disease.

Arguably one of the best greens you can give your human loved ones (that means us), arugula also provides many healthful qualities poultry won’t be able to live without in order to thrive properly.


Arugula contains vitamin A, which is important for chickens. This vitamin is an antioxidant that protects against illness and free radical damage. This implies that if your chicken consumes arugula on a daily basis, it will be healthier. There will be less inflammation and higher health for the skin, lungs, kidneys, heart, and eyes when it comes to vision.

Healthy Bones and Muscles

The vitamin K in this vegetable helps to keep the chickens’ bones healthy. Because they are unable to consume excessive amounts of calcium or calcium supplements, vitamin K is the most effective bone-protecting vitamin. If you give chickens this vitamin, their wounds will heal much more quickly.

Arugula also contains high levels of magnesium, which is essential for good bone and muscular health, including the heart’s muscle. Arugula also has a high amount of magnesium, which alleviates pains and tremors. Arugula is also high in protein.

Let’s take a look at the nutrients in arugula now. There are numerous vitamins and minerals found in 100 g (3 oz) of arugula.:

here is a video that shows  chickens eating arugula:


how to feed arugula to chickens

When you are trying to feed your chickens any greens, the best way to do so is by chopping them up into little bite-sized pieces.

You can either throw these in with their regular food or scatter it on top of their run/area where they forage and peck at it if desired (depending on what type of chicken).

It’s also fun to hold a bit of leaf out between two fingers and hand-feed them like this each day – an excellent bonding opportunity!

If they are leaving some untouched, then that means they don’t particularly enjoy the smell or taste.

Can chickens have cooked arugula?

It is a given that cooking arugula will remove the strong bitter taste of fresh arugula. Cooked it becomes safe for your backyard chickens too!

What can chickens not eat List!

1. Sugary, Greasy, and Fatty Food

Fast food is not good for chickens. If they eat it too often, then their health will suffer and the quality of a chicken’s eggs will decline over time.

Chickens enjoy sugary drinks like soda or candy less than humans do because these products are hard to digest due to the salty ingredients mixed in with sugar.

2. Beans

The raw bean is a tough little nut to crack. They say that you should cook them, but what if you like their crunch? Raw beans contain the toxin phytohaemagglutinin which can make chickens sick when ingested.


Chickens should not be given chocolate due to the caffeine it contains. Caffeine is a chemical found in tea, coffee, and colas that can have adverse effects on chickens used as test subjects for research with human bodies because they are so closely related.

4. Coffee or tea

Do you know how your parents always tell you to never give up caffeine? Well, unless you have a way of giving it directly into the bloodstream – like in intravenous shots or IV drips- chickens don’t either.

In fact, they can be pretty sensitive too when given any caffeinated drinks because their feathery friends are so fragile!

They still might not understand what’s going on (or why) but all that coffee from an hour ago is making them sad and cranky anyway.

So save yourself some trouble by just keeping things…well.. coffee-free for everyone involved!!

5. Avocado (mostly the pit and peel)

Avocado pits and skins contain a toxin called persin, which is toxic to chickens. The bones of the avocado are fine for chicken consumption; however, it’s best not to over-choke them with too much flesh because they can get sick from eating too many avocados all at once! make sure you cook your food thoroughly before feeding it to our feathered friends.

What can chickens eat List!

In order to keep your hens healthy and happy, you should feed them a variety of different foods such as:


these are all great options for feeding chickens in moderation;


These fruits make excellent snacks when fed sparingly according to the individual needs of each chicken

Conclusion: Can chickens eat arugula? (Health benefits)

Arguably one of the best greens for humans, arugula also has a number of nutritional benefits that chickens will enjoy.

With only 3% calories from fat and 27% sodium content, it’s no wonder this is an excellent choice for your chicken feeders! It’s packed with minerals like calcium and iron which are essential to their growth as well as antioxidant properties to help protect them against disease.

Arguably one of the best greens you can give your human loved ones (that means us), arugula also provides many healthful qualities poultry won’t be able to live without in order to thrive properly.
