Can chickens eat apricots? This is a question that I get asked often by people who are curious about what their chickens can and cannot eat. Apricots are actually a great fruit for chickens to eat and provide them with many important nutrients.
In this blog post, I will discuss the nutritional benefits of apricots for chickens and share some ideas for recipes that include this delicious fruit.
So if you are wondering whether or not your chickens can snack on apricots, keep reading!
So Can Chickens Eat Apricots?
Yes, apricots can be given to chickens. However, you should serve these fruits as a special treat on rare occasions.
Apricots are good for chickens and provide them with a number of nutritional values.
The apricot is one of the many fruit trees that chickens love to feast on but be careful with giving them seeds or leaves because it can cause a deadly toxin called amygdalin which converts into cyanide after digestion in small amounts.
Though this is only an extremely small risk for any hens given seeds or leaf before, cutting these corners may not be worth the trade-offs of delicious apricot flavor!
health benefits of Apricots for chickens.
Apricots are nutrient-rich and packed with a good range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. But chickens have very different nutritional requirements to us –
They can’t be raised on just fruits like apricots alone because their diet has to also include some grains in order for them not only to maintain optimal health but lay eggs as well! And this is where the commercial feed comes into play.
Commercial chicken feed contains all the key nutrients that backyard hens need alongside some grain content so they’re able to produce quality eggshells at an average rate of 300 per year which should last you about 3-4 months if it’s stored properly (keep your food cool!).
According to the USDA, here is how much of each nutrient is found in raw apricot per 100 g:
Let’s take a look at some of the advantages.
High Water Content
Water is a major component of dried apricot, and because you can see from the nutritional facts above, in every 100 grams of dried apricot, 86 grams is merely water.
High water content in apricot is vital for chickens as it offers hydration. In most cases, when there is shortage of water, chickens may develop constipation which is not healthy.
The fruit has got that high water content. Hence, it can help in keeping the digestive tract in perfect order.
The fresher the apricot is, the more hydration it provides; therefore, utilize fresh fruits every now and then and of course in moderation.
A Good Amount of Potassium
Apricots have a healthy amount of potassium, which is one of the key minerals required by chickens for a variety of bodily processes.
Potassium is crucial for blood pressure and kidney stone prevention in chickens.
According to studies, potassium aids in the maintenance of egg production in chickens which is really impressive. According to the NRC (1994), 150 mg of potassium are required each day for chickens).
According to research, dried apricots have got antioxidant properties. Therefore, they can help in preventing the oxidation of fats and other harmful toxins that lead to diseases such as cancer.
Can chickens eat dried apricots?
Chickens can consume dried fruits as long as they are non-toxic. However, because dried fruits are high in sugar and have a low water content, apricots are not the only type of fruit that is so.
Sugar is unhealthy for chickens because it may lead to a slew of medical concerns, including obesity.
So, if I were you, I would avoid feeding my chicken dried apricots at all costs. Allow your favorite pet to eat fresh apricots for a chance to ingest the many nutrients found in this fruit.
therefore, fresh apricots are still the best option to go for as they have a healthy amount of fiber, Vitamin C, A, and E.
how to feed apricots to chicken!
Apricots are similar to other fruits in that preparing them for chickens is not overly complex. However, it’s crucial to follow the appropriate procedures and prepare what is suited for your feathered friends.
To make sure that your chickens are eating healthy, you should always wash their food before giving it to them. Give the apricots a quick rinse and then slice off any stems or leaves.
The skins on apricots can contain pesticides so they have to be removed as well! Place all of these pieces in an open space for the birds.
Chop the apricot into small, easy-to-swallow pieces and remove the pits and seeds. Large pieces of apricot may be harder to digest and can become a choking hazard.
You should let your chickens eat dried fruit in moderation because it’s high in sugar and low in moisture..
You should also ensure that the apricots are finely chopped up before serving. Your feathered friends will love this sweet treat!
here some interesting things you didn’t knew about apricots.
The following information is most likely some further detail you are not aware of regarding apricots.:
- The average life span of an apricot tree is 20-25 years.
- In the United States, there is a day named after apricots (National Apricot Day), which falls on January 9th each year.
- When you refrigerate an apricot, you slow down the fruit’s ripening process. This is why they are kept at room temperature until they are ready.
- It’s been suggested that Alexander the Great was responsible for bringing the fruit to Greece.
- Apricots are from the rose family of plants.
- The origin of the apple is disputed, with some claiming it comes from China, Armenia, or India.
- There is no cholesterol in Apricots. They also lack saturated sodium or fats.
- The tree of the apricot fruit is tiny, reaching between 26 and 39 feet in length on average.
What can chickens not eat?
1. Coffee and tea
Coffee and tea might be bad for chickens. They contain caffeine, which makes it difficult to sleep if they eat just a sip of delicious coffee or tasty tea!
Plus, the other compounds in them could make their stomachs upset – so don’t let your pets get any old pizza crust with oregano on it either.
2. Beans
Beans are a great source of protein and fiber, but depending on how you prepare them they can be very dangerous to consume. Raw beans contain toxins called lectins that have the potential to kill chickens – and humans! But if cooked properly there is no risk for either.
3. Chocolate
A fun fact about chocolate is that it contains two compounds called theobromine and caffeine. These are toxic to animals such as chickens, dogs, cats- so if you have any of those pets in your home make sure not to share with them!
4. Avocado skin and pits
Chickens should not eat avocado because it is very dangerous for them. Avocado contains an ingredient called Persin found inside its skin, pits of fruit segments as well as leaves of trees where these plants grow naturally.
The persin can cause inflammation in the chicken’s intestines and since they are a natural part of avocados to make sure that you get rid of or peel any parts with this substance when slicing up your food into smaller pieces for consumption by our feathered friends.
We’re always looking for new ways to keep our chickens happy and feed them well. One of the best things about having a backyard flock is being able to enjoy fresh eggs every day, but these delicious benefits don’t come without some work on your part.
While you may not want that moldy old apple sitting around in your fridge now, it might be worth giving it a go when you see one of those furry feathered friends eyeing up what’s leftover from last night’s dinner!
What can chickens eat?
1. grains
A staple of the chicken’s diet, grains are an important part of keeping chickens healthy and happy. They get plenty from their feed as well, but there is no harm giving them some extra! Give your favorite type to enjoy a variety or give corn for more energy-saving snacks.
2. Vegetables
Vegetables are an excellent addition to your chicken’s diet. They provide a great variety of nutrients, and because chickens will usually only eat one or two pieces from the entire dish they’re safe for them in terms of volume consumed as well.
It is important that vegetables account for less than 10% by weight when looking at total feed intake for meat birds (it doesn’t matter what number it should be for egg layers).
3. Fruits
Fruits are a great reward for your flock while they’re picking up their food on the ground! A chicken can’t resist an apple or peach, so why not give them some?
You never know what you might find in that tasty fruit: sugars and minerals like vitamin C to keep them healthy. Some chickens enjoy dried fruits too — try mangoes or pomegranates complete with scratch grains every day after lunchtime.
Conclusion: Can Chickens Eat Apricots?
 We’ve talked about the benefits of apricots for chickens in this blog post. Apricots are a good source of phytonutrients, minerals, and vitamins like Vitamin A (good for your chicken’s eyesight) and potassium (which helps regulate blood pressure).
But you should make sure to serve these fruits as a special treat on rare occasions because they also contain sugar which can lead to obesity if fed too often. Just feed them two or three times per week with an egg meal containing one apricot!
Provided they don’t have any toxic parts such as the pits and seeds, give them a bunch because it will make their diet more varied and nutritious for your chickens.