What Do You Call a Group of Chickens?


A group of chickens is called a flock. Flocks can be made up of any number of chickens, from just a few birds to thousands.

Chickens live in flocks because it provides them with protection from predators and makes finding food easier.

In the wild, flocks of chickens can often be seen foraging for insects and other small prey. inside the home, they are most often found lounging around in the backyard or on a farm.

Regardless of where they are, one thing is for sure: a group of chickens is always called a flock!

So what do you call a group of chickens? Let’s take a look at some of the most popular names for groups of chickens across the globe.

What Do You Call a Group of Chickens?

The terms flock and brood are often used to describe a group of chickens. Because brood is defined as a group of hens, the word usually refers to an entire group of hens (female chickens).

People often ask: What is the collective noun for a group of chickens? Also, because there are lots of amazing unified names for other species, there are some cool and interesting animal and bird names to be found.

Although this is obviously not true, unfortunately, it is true in the case of chickens. They are just a bunch of flocks.

Follow this list of various terminology including male, female, and baby chickens, and learn some unique colloquialisms in the process!

Mature male chickens are called roosters, while males in their youth are referred to as cockerels and is usually under 1 year old.

In the context of chickens, an immature or young female chicken, under 1 year old. is called a pullet.

A chicken of 4 to 6 pounds, over 12 to 14 weeks old is called Roaster

In the context of chickens, an immature or young male is called a cockerel.

A chicken of 3 to 4 pounds, at 12 to 14 weeks old is called Fryer

When a hen is close to laying eggs, she is said to be in the “point-of-lay” state.

Separated into pullets only or only cockerels is referred to as Sexed Chicks

The name for a group of hens is a brood.

The proper term for a baby chicken is a chick.

Pullets and cockerels, mixed (unsexed or “as hatched.”) is called Straight Run

A chicken can be referred to as a chook, though.

Bantam is A diminutive breed of domestic fowl. Find out more about other chicken breeds.

a clutch is made up of a group of multiple eggs laid by a hen over a period of two or more days.

When a female chicken matures, It is referred to as a hen.

In general, when we talk about groups of chickens, one can use the term flock.

A chicken 6 to 9 months old is called Boiler

group of chicks is called  peep


Poultry is the general term for all fowl raised for their eggs and meat, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese.

What Do You Call a Group of Chickens?

So, exactly In what ways are a Pullet and an Egg different?

I noted previously that a pullet is a term used to refer to a young hen who has not yet reached maturity.

The most important factors in determining whether a chook (yes, I do use this term) is a pullet or a hen are the age of the bird and whether or not it is laying eggs…

Un-hatched pullet eggs are produced by chickens less than one-year-old who have not yet begun to lay eggs.

They are referred to as point-of-lay chickens once they are able to lay or are about to begin laying.

A chicken will usually begin laying at the age of 16-20 weeks, so it will not be pullets for a while.

What Exactly Is a Point-of-Lay Chicken?

POL chickens are chickens that are fully prepared or about to lay eggs at the time of harvesting or harvesting the eggs. They are regarded as point-of-lay because they inform prospective buyers that they will be purchasing a hen that will begin producing eggs soon after they purchase it.

This implies that hens can only be categorized as POL for a relatively short period of time after they are born. Typically, in between the ages of 17 and 20 weeks, depending on the species.

The wattles of comb on chickens at this age will not have properly matured at this point in their development. The presence of a young hen is yet another indication that you are looking at one.

Keep in mind that the term “chicken” is gender-neutral.

A minor point to note is that many people are unaware that the word “chicken” is gender-neutral, which can cause some confusion.

Female chickens are referred to as hens, while roosters (male chickens) are referred to as hens.

When making reference to chooks and conversing about them, this makes it much easier to understand.

You must, however, specify whether you are referring to females and males when deciding to purchase backyard chickens.

collective noun for chickens.

Flock of chickensThe concept of flock is used to describe a group or number, like in this example when we want talk about chickens that roam and feed together.

It’s important not only what word you use but also how many animals are being discussed – one animal doesn’t have any special status with regard their social behavior so long as they’re part-of something larger!
Brood of chickens-The word “brood” has many uses in the English language. In this case, it means to incubate or breed; as you know chickens do exactly that when they are giving birth! Brooding also applies if one wants explanation on what happens during chicken uterus sessions (i’m sure there’s more than ones).

Peep of chickenscollective nouns for chickens can also use the word peep; this defines small, weak sounds of young birds. Therefore it is often used not only when talking about chicken but also their rooster or even an individual crow! You might come across this term in texts related to farming productions such as movies set on farms where there are many fowl involved (easter eggs).

Clutch of chickensThe word “clutch” can be used in many different ways. It’s often paired with collective nouns for chicken, but when you want to describe an animal or its powers closely related traits (like claws), it must always make clear which instance of this term is being applied – unless they’re both referring back towards something else entirely!

Conclusion: What Do You Call a Group of Chickens?

Voilà, a flock of chickens is referred to as a group of chickens.

You may have already known this, but it may have slipped your mind.

Hopefully, learning all of the slang about chicken has given you an idea of how much you still need to learn.

And, best of all, you’ve acquired some new traits to flaunt to your friends, as well as improve your understanding of quizzes.