can chickens eat mint? (Leaves, Stems + Flowers)


Mint is a herb that has been used in traditional medicine and cooking for centuries. It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, and mint tea has been known to help with digestion.

The leaves of the plant are safe for chickens to eat.

If you’re looking to add a herb to your garden, mint is one of the best. It offers a number of health benefits and other useful applications.

Mint is also easy to grow in gardens indoors or outdoors, with little maintenance required. Mint makes an excellent addition to any garden, as chickens are likely to enjoy eating it.

Do chickens like mint plants?

Chickens are naturally curious, and they will likely go to check out any new additions to your garden.

While chickens will not actually eat the mint plant itself if it’s growing in their regular chicken run (because of its strong taste), there is no reason that you can’t grow some extra mint plants in your yard specifically for your chickens.

Healthy mint plants for chickens

Mint is among the healthiest herbs to grow in herb gardens, and it is extremely versatile.

You can eat mint leaves raw or dried, steep them in hot water for mint tea, make infusions with the leaves to treat stomach ulcers, upset stomachs, nausea, bronchitis, and even to keep insects away.

The leaves can also be crushed and rubbed on your skin to reduce swelling and relieve pain related to bug bites, among many other uses.

It aids digestion, and can even reduce bad breath. Mint is also antibacterial, so it could help with conditions that are the result of infection.

The leaves of the plant contain many essential oils that provide numerous benefits for humans and animals alike. The most well-known benefit is its ability to aid with digestive problems including bloating, stomach cramps, nausea, and flatulence (passing gas).

Due to its anti-bacterial properties, mint also helps reduce infections in the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and throat which can help when dealing with colds or sore throats.

Mint has been known to help with anxiety and insomnia, as well as sore muscles and skin irritations such as inflammation from bug bites or cuts.

Mint is also a powerful antioxidant that can neutralize free radicals which may slow down the aging process. This makes it beneficial for those who smoke or who lead a generally unhealthy lifestyle. Mint tea, made by steeping the leaves in hot water, is one of the best ways to reap these benefits on a daily basis.

Can chickens eat mint leaves?

Yes! Chickens will enjoy eating fresh mint leaves, and if you have a healthy supply of the plant in your garden they’ll have access to it.

You can also grow several varieties of mint plants if you want to offer your birds a varied diet as well as some extras for yourself. Try growing spearmint, apple mint, or even chocolate mint for different flavors.

Can chickens eat mint stems?

Yes. The stems of the plant are safe for chickens to eat, but only if they haven’t been sprayed with pesticides or other chemicals that could be harmful to your birds.

If you’re growing mint in a pot and bringing it inside during winter, make sure you wash it well before offering any part of it to your chickens.

Can chickens eat mint flowers?

Yes. Chickens will enjoy eating the unopened flowers of the plant, which are often called ‘buds’ when they’re still closed up. You can also let some of them open into pretty little white or pink flowers that will look great in your chicken run and attract bees and butterflies to your garden.

Can chickens eat mint root?

Chickens won’t usually eat the roots of the plant, but they can if it gets mixed in with their regular food.

However, there are other remedies for upset stomachs that you may want to consider using instead. You’ll also need to crush it up to make sure it’s safe for your chickens to eat.

Other Benefits of Growing/Using Mint

1. Pleasant Aroma/Smell Masking

The strong smell of mint is known to help mask other odors as well as provide a pleasant aroma. Mint has been used for centuries as an air freshener, and not only because it smells great!

Mint can be used anywhere you need a little extra freshness–in the chicken coop, in the cat litter box, or even in your own shoes after a long day on your feet. Start growing a pot of mint next to wherever you’re going to use it and let them grow together so the ground underneath becomes infused with the powerful smell. If you keep this up regularly it will help cover up all sorts of unwanted smells around your home!

2. Bug Repellent

Crushed mint leaves rubbed along areas where bugs may be crawling are said to help ward them off. You can also make a mint spray by steeping the leaves in hot water that you then mix with apple cider vinegar and spray on your chicken coop, chicken run, or anywhere else it might be needed.

3. Easy-to-Grow Plant– Mint is fairly easy to grow (although if you let it flower it will spread like crazy!) and is very resilient once established.

It doesn’t require much care like other plants do, which means if you’re busy tending to your flock instead of your garden at the moment there’s no need to worry about not having fresh mint for tea or any other use! 4. Keeps Away Rodents While most animals enjoy the sweet smell of mint, rodents do not.

Many gardeners who have problems with mice or voles planting nests near their houseboat wind up planting mint around the exterior as a natural barrier to the animals, and it has worked for them!

5. Mild Medicinal Benefits Mint can benefit humans more than chickens in some ways since some varieties are safe for us to eat.

There are several types of mint that you can plant which will provide mild medicinal benefits if you’re looking for something you can use without having to worry about harvesting more leaves than you need each day.

A few examples are spearmint, apple mint, chocolate mint, peppermint, ginger mint, and lemon balm.

Other Herbs and Spices That Are Beneficial to Chicken.

1. Lavender -Lavender has a strong, distinctive scent that most animals don’t appreciate.

However, this makes it perfect to use as a natural repellent for many different pests! You can plant lavender around the exterior of your home or place it in pots around doors and windows since lavender will keep away ants, mice, roaches, and other insects.

2. Basil Not only is basil used as an ingredient in cooking (like mint), but you can also eat the leaves themselves!

Since chickens enjoy eating green things like grass and other vegetation, basil would make a great addition to their diets–in moderation since too much can make them sick. It’s also safe for humans to consume and you can make basil tea by steeping the leaves in hot water.

3. Sage Sage is an herb that can be brought indoors and used in cooking or dried and burned as incense to help repel insects like mice, roaches, and ants. It’s also safe for people and chickens to eat (in moderation) when mixed into their food!

4. cinnamon– cinnamon has a strong, distinct smell to it and can be used as an insect repellent.

Since chickens like the smell of food, cinnamon sticks (either whole or ground) will help keep pests away from your garden since they won’t want to venture near the area! Just try not to overdo it since chickens are sensitive to too much spice in their diet!

5. thyme- smells great just about anything but is most widely known for its anti-bacterial properties if you’re looking to use it around your home for pest control problems.

Just remember that you should never use this on or within three feet of your outdoor grill since thyme becomes extremely flammable once lighted! When planting thyme in your yard, be sure that you have a barrier between it and any heat sources.

conclusion: can chickens eat mint?

Yes, chickens can eat mint. Mint is not only safe for chickens but it provides numerous health benefits and has an affordable price tag too! If you’re looking to naturally keep pests away from your flock, try planting some of these herbs around your coop or chicken run today.

Don’t hesitate to share this article with friends and other chicken farmers who might enjoy knowing that their chickens can safely eat mint!