What Can Chickens Eat List? Full List & Guide[Comprehensive List]


What can chickens eat List? The answer is, well, almost anything. Chickens are omnivores and they will eat just about anything that you feed them. They’ll also scratch for food in the dirt if necessary.

However, that doesn’t mean that you should be feeding your chickens whatever you want to feed them!

There are some food items out there that can harm or even kill a chicken if eaten too often or in large portions.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at what foods chickens can and cannot eat with some helpful links to help you make informed decisions on what to feed your flock of backyard hens…

You can use the table of contents to jump to the letter of the alphabet you are looking for:




can chicken eat apples, apple seeds, and apple skin?

Chickens are not picky and will eat just about anything- including apples. The story goes that the seeds with some cyanide in them weren’t enough to hurt a chicken, but it’s still worth knowing what kind of food you’re giving your chickens! Read the full guide here on apples

can chicken eat asparagus?

It’s no wonder that chicken farmers are so enthused about the idea of feeding their chickens asparagus.

This humble vegetable is a hidden treasure trove of nutrition considering it provides high amounts of Vitamin A, C, and K along with minerals like potassium!

It can be fed either raw or cooked to your poultry friends- they don’t seem to mind one way over another!

can chicken eat almonds?

Almonds are a great low-calorie snack for hens as well. They enjoy the nutty flavor and crunchy texture, but be careful that they don’t get mold!

Almond flour is also an excellent ingredient to add when baking treats or feeding them over your own breakfast oatmeal.

Almonds make a delicious treat for chickens of all ages–just chop roughly before serving so you can control how much each hen gets! You may want to check if there’s any mold on certain nuts first because it could hurt their crop health.

can chicken eat avocado?

Avocado pits and skins are toxic to chickens but don’t worry because the flesh of an avocado is not. If you ever give your chicken some undercooked or dried beans then make sure they’re cooked thoroughly.

Chickens have been known to die from eating hemagglutinins in these types of legumes if eaten without cooking them first!

Avocados contain a toxin called persin that can be harmful to chickens so it’s best not to feed their peels and pits as well as just the meaty parts while fresh avocadoes are fine since this compound isn’t present when ripe.

can chickens eat apricots?

Apricot leaves are bad for chickens because they contain cyanogenic glycosides, which can cause symptoms like seizures and low blood pressure. When the leaves are stressed from frost or drought conditions, their toxicity levels increase!

Apricots have a lot of benefits when it comes to human consumption–they’re often used as culinary ingredients in many dishes we love; but unfortunately, their leaves aren’t safe for our feathered friends.

Apricot trees produce toxic substances called cyanogenic glycoside that create harmful effects on your chicken’s respiratory system (like breathing problems), body muscle control (e.g., leg paralysis).

can chickens eat Ants?

With the help of their beaks and claws, chickens can eat a variety of insects including ants that live in your yard.

However, they won’t really solve pest control problems because there are simply not enough bugs to go around for all those hungry hens!

can chickens eat acorns?

There are many dangers for chickens lurking outside their coop. One such danger is the acorn, which looks harmless but actually can be toxic to a chicken and potentially very harmful depending on how it has been prepared.

Chickens should never eat an unprocessed or unprepared acorn because they may not know that it’s bad for them.

While looking at these seemingly innocent nuts you might think “oh I’ll just give this to my fowl friends,” but beware!

Acorns have surprisingly dangerous levels of toxicity in some cases – even if washed carefully before preparing- so make sure your flock knows what they’re getting themselves into first!

can chickens eat alfalfa?

Alfalfa is made of many nutrients that are just perfect for chickens.

The buds can be used to add some variety in the winter season when fresh greens may not be available as much anymore.


can chickens eat Bread?

Feed your chickens some bread! This hearty food is just what they need to stay healthy.

Bread can help provide them with essential vitamins and minerals that keep their feathers shiny, skin plump, eggs big and tasty, as well as improve their egg production rate.

Feeding your chickens a steady diet of delicious fresh bread will not only give the hens something new to peck at but it may also cause an increase in egg-laying too because of all those good nutrients found inside each loaf.

can chickens eat broccoli?

For a healthy diet, chickens should be fed broccoli. High in vitamins and minerals with good nutrition like antioxidants as well, this vegetable is perfect for keeping your chicken’s blood running hot! Your flock needs to eat right too!

can chickens eat Blackberries?

If you want to make your chickens happy and healthy, be sure to give them a regular supply of blackberries. As well as being packed with vitamins and minerals.

they also contain antioxidants that help keep their immune system strong even when exposed to all the nasty things on the farm – dirt from chicken feet included!

Yes, it’s true: Chickens can eat just about anything… including berries. And while we might not have thought much about what our hens are eating before this moment–

because let’s face it there was never time for such thoughts between gathering eggs each morning and feeding chicks every afternoon–it turns out that variety is pretty key in keeping ’em robust enough through everything from dirty paws (sorry!) or sudden storms.

can chickens eat Beetroot?

Chickens can be fed both beetroot and its leaves. Beetroots are a nutritious source of iron, potassium, folate, and niacin which our chickens need to stay healthy. The nutritional benefits from eating the plant’s green leaves should also not go unmentioned – they contain calcium!

Chickens enjoy tart-tasting beetroots as well as their leafy greens for an excellent dose of nutrients like protein, vitamins A & C, and minerals such as copper that help keep them strong.

can chickens eat Bananas?

Chickens love bananas. In fact, they really go for the sweet taste of sugar that’s found in most kinds of fruit except oranges and lemons.

However, with so much sugar content to deal with you have to be careful not to feed them too many otherwise it could affect their health negatively since chickens can’t process a lot of sugars at once like humans can (and who eats these citrus fruits anyway?).

can chickens eat banana peels?

Banana peels are good for pets. Banana skins can be fed to your feathered friend, but it is recommended that you grind them up into small pieces before feeding so they’re easier to digest.

It’s also important not to overfeed bananas because too much potassium could lead to bladder stones and other health issues in chickens (depending on the species).

can chickens eat Brussel sprouts?

Brussels Sprouts: Absolutely. chicken can eat Brussels Sprouts. A good source of nutrition and fun for the whole family! The leaves are edible, too!

Brussels sprouts can be a great way to get your feathered friends excited about eating their vegetables because they’re adorable like little cabbages with spindly legs.

can chickens eat Basil?

Basil is a great culinary herb, but it’s also good for your chickens. I like to grow my own basil because you can’t just find the stuff in stores anywhere anymore.

Rundown of Basil:

-Basil not only tastes delicious on top of spaghetti and pizza – It’s even better if it comes from homegrown plants!

-Growing these herbs at home has been hard lately (store-bought ones are practically impossible) so take advantage while they’re still easy to come by.

can chickens eat Birdseed?

Wild birds are much more diverse in their diet than domesticated chickens, which typically lay eggs year-round.

Because wild bird feed is made for a variety of species with different dietary needs and habits, it’s important to offer sprouted seed mixes as meal replacements so your flock always has the necessary nutrients from protein sources and fats – not just carbs!

can chickens eat Beans?

Chickens love beans! Your chickens can eat them as long as you cook the beans well before giving it to your flock. Beans are full of essential nutrients that contribute towards a healthy chicken diet, so why not give something new and different for dinner?


can chickens eat celery?

Chickens can be given celery in moderation, but they should primarily subsist off of their commercial diet.

When farmers or hobbyists raise chickens for eggs and meat, it is important to provide them with a balanced supply of food that includes vegetables and fruits as well as the grain-based feed necessary for sustenance.

Chickens are omnivores (animals who eat both plants and other animals) by nature; so while they will certainly take advantage from time to time when leftovers make an appearance at mealtime, giving up too many treats may lead to obesity over long periods!

can chickens eat cantaloupe?

Cantaloupe seeds are nutritious for chickens and can be enjoyed by feeding them the thicker, stringier bits.

The girls love it! Like most fruits or vegetables (even lettuce), feed in moderation so they don’t get diarrhea from too much of a good thing.

can chickens eat cucumbers?

Chickens love eating cucumbers, and for good reason. Cucumbers are a favorite treat of chickens, one that is loved by them from the tip of their beak to the tail end!

Munching on this delicious delicacy feeds not only your appetite but also provides plenty of vitamins to keep you healthy as well in these cold winter months.

can chickens eat corn on the cob?

Chickens love to eat corn cobs, which can be used as a nutrient-rich activity treat. This is high in protein and will keep them active during the cold winter months or fight boredom if they’re confined inside!

Corncob’s make an excellent alternative for chickens because it provides great nutrients; such as fiber and amino acids while fighting against obesity by burning fat cells instead of storing them!

can chickens eat chocolate?

Chocolate is not just bad for your health, it’s also toxic to chickens. A single ounce of chocolate could kill a hundred birds!

Theobromine and caffeine are the toxic elements of chocolate but that doesn’t mean you have to avoid them. Darker chocolates contain more than lighter ones so as long as you keep this in mind, there is no need for concern.

can chickens eat corn husks?

Chickens may not be the most sophisticated eaters, but they do enjoy a good corn husk. They must have been wanting to take on some of that summer’s barbecue flavors!

Chickens can’t resist those tasty green leaves and tender corncobs just waiting for them in your garden.

Chickens would love nothing more than to help you out with this year’s harvest by gobbling up all of these delicious cobs before anyone else at the picnic has a chance.

can chickens eat cherries?

Cherries are a fantastic snack for chickens. They’re high in nutrients but low on calories, so they make the perfect treat!

Cherries are a nutritious and tasty snack for chickens who have grown tired of the same old corn. One study found that feeding your hens cherries as part of their diet led to better egg production rates, more active feeders, and less aggression between birds.

can chickens eat carrots?

One of the best things about raising chickens is that they’re always eager for treats, and carrots are one of their favorites. They love them so much you can get away with giving them a carrot instead on some days when it’s difficult to find fresh bugs or eggs in your backyard!

can chickens eat Cabbage?

Cabbage is a perfect treat for backyard chickens. It contains many nutrients that your birds need to stay healthy and active, including vitamin C which boosts their immune system while spinach will provide essential folates!

A great way to include cabbage in your chicken’s diet (and expose them to the health benefits of this superfood) is by turning it into soup or chopped up as part of a salad they can eat every day with other leafy greens you may feed them such as dandelions or endive.

Provided that you mix cabbages together with other vegetables like lettuce leaves from time to time so they don’t get sickly sweet on just one type of food, these guys should be able to enjoy life without any worries.

can chickens eat Cilantro?

One of the most popular herbs used in cooking, cilantro is packed with tons of vitamins and minerals. It’s also great for chicken diets since it helps provide a nice balance to their overall diet.

If you’re looking for coriander seeds instead – which are different than the leaves both nutritionally and taste-wise – just wait until those little flowers start blooming!

can chickens eat cheese?

Cheese has always been a staple in my diet. Not only is it delicious, but I’ve also learned that cheese packs with vitamins and trace minerals will help your chickens to grow strong! It’s high-fat can be harmful if consumed too much, so please use it sparingly for the sake of our furry friends.

However, it can be harmful in large quantities if the chicken eats too much of it at once.

can chickens eat cauliflower?

You may have noticed that chickens love eating cauliflower. The head is just as delicious to them as the green leaves, and they’ll be happy you give it to them!

can chickens eat cinnamon?

Research has shown that cinnamon can help chickens with their breathing system which makes them very susceptible to respiratory issues. Adding this spice to a chicken’s diet is an excellent way of fighting these conditions and keeping your bird healthy!


can chickens eat dandelions?

Yes, chicken can eat dandelion. Your chickens will enjoy eating the roots, as well as fresh stems and leaves – both flowers and leaves are nutritious for them!

This means they can also eat the root which has many vitamins to help their health grow strong. You can chop dandelion greens to your baby chicks and ducklings because it provides all of these nutrients without having a negative impact on eggs or meat products later in life due to such high levels of calcium found within this plant that promotes healthy bones growth even into adulthood!

can chickens eat dill?

Chickens have been eating dill for centuries. Dill is one of the many herbs that has some great healing properties such as, but not limited to, fighting off bacteria and aiding indigestion.

Dill has been used to treat respiratory problems for years. They say it’s an antioxidant so your chicks should be feeling better in no time!

can chickens eat dog food?

theoretically, there is no reason why you could not feed a dog’s food to chickens, but realistically I don’t think I will give my feathered friend dog food. it because the nutrient balance for dogs and chickens is not balanced.

If that leads to an egg problem then this wouldn’t be worth risking their lives over. Plus, some places have laws against giving your pup’s leftovers back to them so if they’re illegal now imagine how much worse they’d get when processed by poultry?


can chickens eat eggplant?

The eggplant will be perfect for your chickens. The fruit is going to give them a nice boost in vitamins and minerals, so they are sure to love it!

can chickens eat earthworms?

Chickens need to eat a variety of foods, including earthworms and insects. To grind these up they rely on the little grit in their gizzards that helps them digest wild food foraged from wherever it may be found.

can chickens eat eggshells?

One reason why chickens love to eat their own eggs is that they are the most natural, organic source of calcium. In nature where there are no other options for food and water sources available, When given the chance, they will gobble them right up without hesitation and even ask for more.

can chickens eat eggs?

The most important thing to remember when raising chickens is that you should never feed them raw eggs, as this can lead your girls to get a taste for the uncooked food.

Feeding your hens only cooked eggs will ensure they don’t get any “taste” for eating an egg in its natural state – which may not be so good if left unchecked!

can chickens eat edamame?

Chickens can eat edamame. It’s high in protein and packed with other vital nutrients, like magnesium to help chicks grow their wings!

can chickens eat elderberry?

Despite the fact that our researchers found raw, ripe elderberries to be safe for chickens in their natural state while containing about 50% of its seeds,

it’s important to note that this is because these berries are toxic until they’re sufficiently ripened.

This means any unripe berry will contain a lot more toxins than when fully mature and ready!

can chickens eat echinacea?

Echinacea has been used for centuries as a natural way to aid the immune system, and it is just as great when applied on chickens! You can use either leaves or roots from an echinacea plant; while using the latter may seem more effective at first, they are also much more expensive.

Chickens find both of these parts tasty so you should be aware that if your chicken eats too many echinaceas then its appetite will decrease which could lead to malnutrition problems.

Echinacea plants have long served humans by helping with the healthy functioning of their immune systems- but there’s no need to limit this treatment only for people – even our beloved pets deserve some love in return! The stem or leaves (or sometimes).


can chickens eat figs?

Chickens love to eat figs, but we can’t let them do it too often or they may get sick. Eating the leaves of a fig plant will make our chickens very ill.

Figs are a delicious treat that can be given to your chickens on occasion, but keep in mind you should never give leaves or other parts of the fig plant because they contain a toxin called ficin.

can chickens eat fish?

Chickens are curious omnivores. They will eat raw fish and cook too! However, it is important to avoid any spoiled or processed dishes like breaded fried food that could be high in fat content for your feathered friends.

can chickens eat flax seeds?

Flaxseed is a nutritious addition to the chicken’s diet but too much can cause the eggs to have an unpleasant flavor.

Flaxseed is one of the healthiest foods you could give your hens, however, all good things come with their limits. If they eat enough flax it will affect how strong or flavorful their egg yolks are and should be avoided if that’s what you’re looking for!

can chickens eat french fries?

Despite French fries being notorious for not providing much nutritional value, chickens will happily eat them! This may be because of the taste but it could also just be their way to show us, humans, that they think we need a little help in coming up with new ideas.

can chickens eat flowers?

Chickens enjoy eating flowers. They are a natural and safe source of vitamin C, beta-carotene (which is converted by the body into Vitamin A), minerals such as calcium, phosphorous, and magnesium which they need to be healthy in order to produce eggs with bright yellow yolks.

Some plants make excellent food for chickens because it provides the essential vitamins that help keep their feathers gleaming!

can chickens eat fermented food?

Chickens can eat fermented feed. When they’re younger, you’ll have to start with a little dish and work your way up as the chicks grow into their appetite for more of this yummy meal!

can chickens eat frogs?

Chickens are known to eat frogs and this is not considered harmful. Chickens aren’t picky when it comes to food, as they’ll gladly gobble up lizards, insects (like grasshoppers!), or amphibians like the humble frog!


can chickens eat grapes?

Grapes are a cracking way to make your chicken healthy, especially in the vernal months. Vitamin A and C-rich grapes can increase immunity against diseases such as anemia or illness caused by cold weather.

can chickens eat ginger?

A hen’s life can be hectic. They are constantly on the go, trying to keep the eggs flowing as well as taking care of their little chicks all at once!

That means that they have no time for themselves and often need some help with anxiety relief or a boost in appetite.

Ginger is your friend here; it will give them more energy while also calming any fraying nerves caused by being so stressed out from pressure day after day… Spice up their food every now and again with ginger sprinkled over cereal or grated into oatmeal – you’ll lighten both their spirit AND stomach 🙂

can chickens eat granola?

Chickens can eat delicious granola, but it should be given in moderation because the sugar content is their only concern. Nuts and rolled oats are essential ingredients to make this tasty dish that chickens love!

can chickens eat grits?

It’s time to get your chickens a big bowl of grits. Grits are full of nutrients, antioxidants, and iron that will make their feathers shine like no other chicken in the coop!

It turns out you can give them more than just worms for dinner.

can chickens eat garlic?

It can be tempting to think of garlic as a spice and not food, but you will soon find out that your chickens won’t mind. Not only does it have health benefits for them, it also has some serious powers in the kitchen!

The many uses of this tasty root are what make me love working with it so much- just one clove is enough to flavor an entire dish or sauce.

can chickens eat green peppers?

Do not throw away the seeds and core of your green peppers because they are just as good for chickens. It is only the greenery that you need to take out.

can chickens eat grapefruit?

Chickens can enjoy a grapefruit as long as they’re in moderation. Grapefruits have natural sugars and provide some good nutrition like vitamin C, but too much might make them sick since their stomachs are smaller than ours so the acid levels will be more concentrated.

can chickens eat green beans?

Cooked green beans are a great alternative to raw or undercooked vegetables. Raw and under-cooked vegetables contain phytohemagglutinins which can be dangerous for your poultry’s health if it is of an incompatible breed! Cooking will neutralize the lectin, improving digestibility as well as boosting their antioxidant content.

can chickens eat green onions?

Chickens can eat all types of onions in small portions, but the juicy texture is what attracts them.

but they really go crazy for raw onion! Onions are a healthy source of vitamin C as well as dietary fiber; one medium onion has about 50% fewer calories than an apple with skin or grapefruit (citrus fruits like these tend to be high calorie because they don’t have much water).

can chickens eat grass?

The grass is an excellent pasture for chickens. Short grass types are best since long fibrous ones can cause crop issues. Leave the grass to grow naturally and don’t use any chemicals or fertilizers on it!

The grass is an amazing source of protein and helps to produce strong egg yolks. Grass also has calcium which aids in bone production- this will help your chickens live a longer life! If you don’t let them free range then it’s important that they at least get fresh green sprouted grains once or twice per week for the nutrients missing from their diet.


can chickens eat honey?

The hens would love to be given some honey by you. Honey has been known for its antioxidant properties, but the way it soothes heat-stressed chickens is a new discovery!

can chickens eat ham?

Chickens will eat ham, but it is very high in salt. Too much will give them a heart attack and make their blood pressure rise to dangerous amounts! Feed sparingly (once a week no more).

can chickens eat hay?

The same is not true for all chickens. Chickens are typically fed straw, hay, or alfalfa in order to promote healthy digestion and provide nutrients such as calcium that their body needs. While these types of feed may be adequate at first, they can become monotonous after a while so some chickens require an alternative food source like the dried green leaves on alfalfa hay bales which many find more appealing than other options.

can chickens eat honeydew melon?

honeydew melons are favorites during the autumn months when they’re in season (chickens will eat up any part of these two delicious sweet treats).

can chickens eat hamburgers?

If you’re grilling up some hamburger meat for yourself, make sure to avoid adding any salt or spices that could be dangerous to your chickens. Burgers are full of toppings and ingredients like an onion which can lead to problems if ingested by them!

If you want an alternative with protein but no seasonings from the burger patty itself, consider making a pita wrap instead.

can chickens eat hot peppers?

My chickens love eating all types of peppers, including hot ones! They will gobble up the seeds too. Interestingly enough they don’t seem to react at all even when it’s a scorching 100 degrees out and everyone else is wilting in misery from the heat.


can chickens eat ivy?

All parts of the English Ivy are poisonous, but my chickens will not eat it. They have plenty to feed on elsewhere in my garden; they seem smart enough to know better than that!

can chickens eat iceberg lettuce?

The amount of iceberg lettuce that chickens can eat is usually limited to small amounts. Too much gives them loose watery poop and iceberg lettuce contains almost no nutrition at all!

Iceberg Lettuce has been a part of the human diet for many years but only recently have we begun to learn more about its effects on chickens, which are shockingly negative! The bizarre thing about this vegetable is that despite having very little nutritional value in its composition the chicken still eats up these leaves without hesitation.

can chickens eat ice cream?

Do not feed your chickens any flavors including Cookies and Cream, Moose Tracks, Panda Paws, or anything with the smallest hint of ice cream.

Why would you want to put cookies and cream in their eggs? Why give them a flavor that we enjoy as humans but will likely make us sick if consumed by animals as cow’s milk does for people who are lactose intolerant? Let’s keep our chickens happy!

can chickens eat Indian corn?

Chickens can eat Indian corn, and make a nutrient-rich activity treat that is high in protein – perfect for cold weather. This makes chickens happy when they need to be confined.

can chickens eat iris leaves?

If your chicken eats any part of an iris, it can experience drooling and vomiting. The leaves contain a poison toxic to dogs that causes stomach pain and diarrhea.


can chickens eat jello?

Do not feed your chickens jello. It is a terrible source of food that lacks the necessary nutritional value for you and them!

can chickens eat jalapenos?

In contrast to humans, the heat of spices like jalapenos and chili peppers is not so much an issue for chickens.

They can enjoy spicy foods as they lack a certain compound in their mouth that reacts with capsaicin-the substance responsible for the burning sensation we get from eating hot food!

Chickens are immune to spiciness because it contains a component called capsaicin which makes our mouths burn when consumed by humans; this does not affect them at all.

can chickens eat jam?

Don’t feed Jams and Preserves to your chickens because of the amount of sugar and it doesn’t off in any nutritional value for your feathered friend.

can chickens eat Japanese beetles?

The Japanese beetle is a voracious species of insect with few natural predators in the United States. Sometimes, chickens come to their rescue and eat them up!

They love eating these bugs so much that they will sometimes venture outside during an early-morning hunt for some beetles together.


can chickens eat kiwi?

Kiwi’s are a good snack for chickens, but they contain high amounts of sugar so feed sparingly. Kiwis have many amazing benefits such as having vitamins and minerals that can help with the chicken’s immune system or increase their lifespan.

can chickens eat kiwi skin?

Kiwi skin can be a delicious, juicy treat for chickens. Chickens are omnivores and will eat everything from bugs to berries with no problem.

Kiwis have an outer fuzzy layer that’s safe for them to dig into after de-seeding it of course!

The kiwi seeds themselves don’t seem harmful either although you should always give your chicken plenty of water so that she doesn’t get dehydrated by any fruit sugars in her diet.

can chickens eat kale?

Your chickens will love eating your kale.

If you want to give them a health boost, make sure that you’re giving them some of the good stuff- like homegrown vegetables. You can also use this as an opportunity to teach kids about gardening and healthy food habits!

can chickens eat kidney beans?

Canned beans are a great idea! I always give my chickens some leftover treats after dinner, and they love their canned beans.

can chickens eat ketchup?

Tomato sauces, ketchup, or soups don’t bode well for chickens. The added salt and sugar coupled with artificial flavors or other chemicals are not good for them at all!

can chickens eat kefir?

Plain yogurt and kefir are good options for your chickens because they do not contain artificial sweeteners. chickens can be allergic to dairy or lactose-intolerant, which causes an upset stomach and diarrhea.

If you believe that your dog is allergically sensitive to these substances then coconut milk might help!


can chickens eat lemons?

Citrus is a food that most chickens don’t seem to be bothered by, even when you give them the peels.

The only thing I would recommend not doing in terms of citrus is giving your chicken orange peel because it probably has waxes and pesticides on it which aren’t good for their body or taste buds!

When feeding my flock oranges they usually just nibble at the outside before getting bored with eating an entire one.

can chickens eat lettuce?

Lettuce can be a good treat for chickens, but it’s important to watch them over the course of several days after feeding it in small amounts.

can chickens eat lavender?

Lavender can be a fantastic way to keep hens calm and happy. Lavender has been shown to reduce stress levels in chickens, which is especially helpful for birds who are laying eggs or sitting on them since they will pick at the lavenders as they sit –

this means that you won’t have any angry hens running around your coop!

The best time of year for using fresh lavenders is just after their blooming season when there’s plenty available.

Otherwise, go with dried lavender- sprinkle some inside nesting boxes so it smells nice and provides benefits without taking up space if left out where other animals might find it an interesting snack too!

can chickens eat lentils?

Yes, chickens can eat lentils but it’s not recommended. According to Wikipedia, raw lentil beans contain toxins that make them unenjoyable for humans and animals alike!

It is best that you cook the ingredients before feeding them to your poultry or other livestock in order to avoid any digestive problems from happening down the line.

can chickens eat lime?

The best way to ensure that your chickens and other animals are safe is with the use of agricultural lime.

Agricultural lime comes from ground limestone, known as calcium carbonate which can not only stop pathogens but also deters insects!

can chickens eat liver?

Yes, chickens can eat both raw and cooked liver. No problems. They love red meat – Chickens are a very versatile type of animal who can eat raw and cooked meat, making them an excellent source of food.

They also enjoy eating red meats more than any other color which makes it easy to give them the right amount they need as well!

can chickens eat live mealworms?

Chickens have an insatiable hunger for insects. They will both eat dead and live Mealworms, making them a great source of protein when dried or alive! With 50% Protein in the form of meat when they are dried up,

but 30% of Protein is from eating them while still living; it is no wonder that people often feed these to their chicken flock as part-time snacks.

can chickens eat lobster shells?

Chickens are known to be voracious eaters and will gobble up just about anything that is put in front of them, even if it’s something they’re not accustomed to.

One such example would be lobster shells which have a high calcium content – so there are benefits for both the chickens and our planet when we use their eating habits as an opportunity!


can chickens eat mango?

The juicy, sweet mango is a favorite fruit of humans and chickens alike. Chickens can enjoy the fleshy sweetness as well as peeling off the skin to feed on its soft inner layer.

can chickens eat mushrooms?

Your chickens can eat mushrooms, but no they cannot chow down on them all.

Mushrooms are a great harvest that your flock will enjoy and you’ll have more time to spend with the family! When growing shiitake or other types of mushroom varieties, logs work best as their food source in order for them to grow properly.

can chickens eat meat?

Through their omnivorous diet, chickens can eat both plants and meat. They are also incredibly adaptive thinkers – typically making the best of any situation they find themselves in!

can chickens eat maggots?

If you’re a chicken owner, there’s nothing wrong with feeding your hens some maggots.

They are rich in protein and provide an even more nutritious snack than the typical feed they eat day-to-day.

Some backyard chickens have been known to cultivate maggots for their own enjoyment, eating them up like candy!

can chickens eat marshmallows?

Did you know that chickens love marshmallows? Of course, it’s not a good idea to feed them sugar-laden treats like these. They can cause severe choking and are way too high in calories for your typical chicken meal!

can chickens eat melon?

Chickens are such interesting creatures. They love melon in moderation and can eat the flesh as well as pick at its rind for hours on end. It’s important not to give them too much or they could become sick from it!

can chickens eat moldy food?

If you’re going to share leftovers with your chickens, make sure there’s no mold on it. Moldy or rotten food can make them sick just like humans and sharing some of those foods may not be the best idea in moderation.

can chickens eat mulberries?

If you’re on the lookout for an easy way to provide your chickens with sustenance, mulberries are a top pick. Female trees will drop fruit all summer long that’s not only delectable but free!


can chickens eat nectarines?

Chickens are finicky eaters. The best way to know if they like a certain food is by seeing if their beak goes into the dish with gusto and takes an exploratory peck or two, but that’s not always foolproof.

Nectarines have been known for being eaten up in no time flat at my house so I’m confident your chickens would love them as well!

Nectarines can be excellent treats for chicken flocks because more often than not this fruit will never go untouched on any plate before it gets gobbled up wholeheartedly.

can chickens eat nuts?

Chickens are not picky eaters, but they do require a balanced diet in order to stay healthy.

This means that your feathered friends cannot subsist on just leftover and stale foods like cooked nuts or even raw ones without their kernels being mixed with something else such as worms.

Chickens can survive on leftovers and other food scraps for short periods of time provided the materials have been properly stored away from sources which may cause them to spoil too quickly.

It is best if you provide these birds some fresh feed at least once per day so it doesn’t go bad before they need it again – this will also give them plenty more variety than what could be found in an average kitchen trashcan!.

can chickens eat noodles?

Chickens will eat your leftover spaghetti for you!

It is a well-known fact that chickens can and do enjoy eating pasta and noodles.

In fact, chickens have evolved over time without ever eating such foods so it is healthier in moderation because these food sources lack a protein that would otherwise come naturally through chicken feed or other natural meat sources like worms and bugs found on pasture land.

can chickens eat nightcrawlers?

I’m not much of a worm expert, but I do know that chickens love to eat them. The earthworms provide some benefits like being tasty and providing nourishment for your flock–but there is also the small risk they will pass on parasites or worms.

can chickens eat nettles?

One of the most interesting things about nettle is that it’s a delicacy and also super nutritious.

It has chlorophyll in it, which makes it even more nutritional than other green vegetables! One thing to note with this plant is that when you dry them, they make an excellent natural fertilizer for your garden –

so be sure to keep some on hand! If you have any extras after using as a food source or fertilizing material (or if you like chicken!), then feel free to feed your chickens these flakes made from dried nettles.


can chickens eat oats?

I love oatmeal for my chickens in winter. It’s one of their favorite treats, and I’ll often give them a warm bowl to start the day off right!

In cold winters where they can’t get out much as usual, it helps keep them from getting too bored with what food is available on farm life.

can chickens eat oranges?

Since the early days of domestication, chickens have been able to choose whether or not they eat oranges. Most chickens stay away from this citrus fruit and its peel because it can be harmful to them but there are always a few chicks that will take an interest in these fruits.

can chickens eat onions?

Despite the fact that chickens can enjoy onions, it’s important to be moderate when feeding them this type of food.

onion has a lot of vitamins and minerals in addition to proteins and fiber which is great for your chicken ́s health; just make sure you roast or boil them before giving these tasty treats!

can chickens eat olives?

Chickens love olives! Olives are a healthy snack for chickens, even uncured. Raw and organic is the way to go when you want your chicken’s diet as natural as possible.

can chickens eat okra?

Yes, chickens can eat okra in small amounts. In recent years this strange food has begun to be available more and more on menus across the country but for those who want something different at home, there is still a gap that needs filling.

Okra is one of the most interesting fruits out there with its unique earthy taste which will make any dish stand out from other dishes being served up by your neighbors!

Yes, chickens can eat okra in small amounts. Research shows it’s possible if they have less than 5% of their diet composed of vegetables like these but eating them too often may cause problems down the line due to its increased levels of oxalates (a substance found naturally occurring).

can chickens eat oregano?

For centuries, oregano has been used to treat various symptoms and conditions. W

hen you add it in your chickens’ feed or toss some fresh herbs into their coop and nesting boxes too as well, not only will they be healthier but the eggs that are laid on them will also have a richer flavor.

Your hens can eat some of these plants while leaving others behind–leaving those dry ones untouched so that they scent the coop with added benefits for you!


can chickens eat pineapple?

Pineapples can be beneficial to chickens if fed in small amounts. Pineapples boost the immune system, making it less likely that your chickens will get sick and more healthy overall.

If you feed your hens pineapple scraps from time to time, they’ll stay healthier because of their boosted immunity!

can chickens eat potatoes?

If you want to feed your chickens potatoes, make sure they are fully cooked and not green. This way it’s safe for both the chicken and their eggs! Avoid feeding them potato leaves or flowers as well because these can cause an upset stomach in a hen (or even kill her). Bread is fine too if that’s all she gets access to – just don’t overdo it with this one food source alone since bread isn’t very nutritious on its own either.

Yes! Potatoes cooked or raw can be given to chickens except for any area which has turned green due to exposure of solanine, otherwise known as nightshade toxin; It will poison hens who eat such parts so avoid giving those areas at all cost.

can chickens eat popcorn?

Chickens love popcorn and have no problem gobbling it up. They can eat plain, unseasoned kernels as a tasty treat – just be careful not to overdo it because the nutritional value is pretty low!

can chickens eat peaches?

Chickens enjoy eating peaches, but you should never give them the pits (stones/seeds) as these are dangerous. The flesh of the fruit and skin is just fine to feed your chickens though!

can chickens eat peanuts?

Chickens can eat peanuts! But if you plan on turning them into a snack, there are several precautions that need to be taken.
On average, adults should take in about 25 grams of protein per day (or 0.4 ounces), so it’s no wonder chickens enjoy eating nuts as much as we do!

It is quite common for people to feed their poultry high-protein foods like soybeans and cornmeal along with oats or barley in order to improve the overall health of your birds but this diet isn’t enough by itself;

they also require more roughage such as legumes which will help keep digestion regular. If these simple rules aren’t followed – feeding only one type of food instead of multiple types at different times throughout the week.

can chickens eat papaya?

Chickens can eat papayas with or without peels. It is best to feed them seeds because they are harmful for chickens when consumed in large numbers.

can chickens eat pears?

Chickens are not picky eaters who will gobble up any fruit you give them, including pears. They can have a few each week without harming their health in the slightest way because they do not contain seeds like apples and oranges.

can chickens eat pickles?

Chickens can eat pickles, but it’s not the healthiest choice. Pickles are made from cucumbers preserved in brine and vinegar with a small amount of salt added for flavor. Since chickens have no way to digest processed sugars or carbs like preservatives and juice they’re stored in, picking them up won’t hurt you either if your flock enjoys them as an occasional treat!

can chickens eat pasta?

Chickens are very picky eaters and will only want to have limited quantities of noodles. They contain very low levels of proteins but high concentrations in carbohydrates, so they won’t be able to provide your chickens with the necessary amount nutrients that it needs for healthy growth development.

can chickens eat peas?

Chickens love the occasional pea. Though not their first choice, they do enjoy them! Chickens can’t get enough peas when you give it to them as a treat.

Just make sure that any vegetables and fruits are washed thoroughly before feeding to your chickens or else you risk infecting your hens with moldy food which is never good for anyone’s health so don’t even think about giving this old feeder anymore because there are much better options out there!

can chickens eat peppers?

bell peppers are a great snack for chickens! For the health benefits, they’re excellent. They have lots of vitamins and minerals that keep us healthy too, but there are some things you need to be aware of as I …


can chickens eat quinoa?

Quinoa is a great choice for chicken feed. It has lots of proteins and calcium, which makes it an excellent food if you want your chickens to lay eggs with white shells or have strong eggshells.

Quinoa also contains vitamins A, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin) & E as well as iron!

Quinoa’s packed full of protein and other essential nutrients makes it the perfect option when looking for something healthy to feed our fowl friends.

can chickens eat quince?

It’s no surprise chickens will eat most things you feed them. They’re known for consuming anything and everything they can get their little beaks on, so quince preserves were unsurprisingly not a popular choice among Americans until quite recently when these flavorful treats became more available in the U.S.

can chickens eat quaker oats?

It is certainly not a surprise that the winter months can be stressful for chickens.

The cold weather often means they are cooped up more than usual and it can lead to pecking, cannibalism, or both!

Luckily oatmeal is something I serve my flock in the wintertime as their favorite treat because adding 3% of oats to their diet has been shown to reduce these problems significantly by providing them with necessary nutrients.


can chickens eat raspberries?

Chickens can and will eat raspberries if they’re within reach. I lose every raspberry that’s near, without fail each year now. Chickens can enjoy a raspberry treat twice or three times per week! These red and tasty fruits are healthy for chickens, plus they’re easy to grow in your own yard.

can chickens eat raisins?

Raisins can be toxic to chickens due to their high sugar content and the fungus they may contain. Raisins are often regarded as a healthy snack but should not be fed to non-humans because of their toxicity, especially if it causes renal failure in some cases.

can chickens eat rhubarb?

Rhubarb is dangerous to chickens. It’s fine for us, but we need to keep the flock out of the garden because it causes jaundice and tremors when consumed by a chicken.

can chickens eat romaine lettuce?

My egg flock enjoyed a treat of baby leaf salad the other day. The variety included oak-leaf, romaine, lollo rosso lettuces – they all went down nicely! Chickens are well known for being able to eat almost anything so it’s no surprise that these healthy greens were gobbled up too.

can chickens eat raw corn?

You can give your chickens corn in its raw form, cooked or from the canned version. They will be able to eat it all ways!

can chickens eat rice?

Chickens can eat rice as one of their many foods. It is safe for them to do so, but you should only feed it in moderation since too much can cause health problems.

can chickens eat rosemary?

Rosemary is a great natural remedy for chickens to relieve pain. One way you can use it with your chickens is by adding fresh rosemary directly onto the wound or eating them as well, which will provide relief from any discomfort they may have!

can chickens eat raw potatoes?

As a member of the nightshade family, raw white potatoes may be eaten by chickens. However, it is important to note that sweet potatoes are in another plant family and must not be fed to livestock or consumed as animal feed.

can chickens eat radishes?

Chickens love both radishes and the leaves of radish. But they can be difficult for chickens to eat if you don’t cut them first, so grate or chop your radishes before giving them to poultry.

can chickens eat rhubarb stalks?

Rhubarb leaves contain oxalic acid, which is toxic to chickens. It causes jaundice and tremors in the flock’s members as well as increased salivation.

However, it is fine for us humans to continue growing this plant because we have a higher tolerance of its toxins than they do.

The best thing that you can do would be to restrict their access from your garden if you wish not them fall ill after eating these leaves.


can chickens eat strawberries

Chickens love their food, but they can’t always get what they want. They are picky eaters and might not even try something new if it isn’t absolutely delicious. But throwing in some strawberries to their meal will make them a very happy flock of chickens because this fruit is perfectly safe for your hens, as long as you don’t feed them too much!

can chickens eat squash?

Yes, chickens can eat yellow squash! Chickens are omnivorous – they have a varied diet that consists of grains as well as vegetables and fruits. Yellow squash contains numerous health benefits such as high vitamin A content which is good for eyesight, Vitamin B6 to help your body break down protein in food so it’s easier for you to absorb its nutrients.

can chickens eat shrimp?

Chickens can enjoy shrimp for a nutritious meal. Chickens love seafood because it’s tasty and healthy, so why not?

can chickens eat salmon?

Chickens like fish, and there are tons of options when it comes to what kind you want to feed them. Some popular ones include cod, salmon, pollock, tuna (a great one), shellfish (yum!), tilapia (!), and sardines!

can chickens eat scrambled eggs?

Scrambled eggs are a great source of protein, vitamin A, and beta carotene. They offer nearly all the nutrients you need to get started in the morning for your chicken.


can chickens eat tomatoes?

You can feed your chickens tomatoes, but only when they are ripe and red. If the tomato is green or unripe, it contains solanine which is toxic to chickens. Even if a tomato looks perfectly fine on the outside (it’s red), you need to be careful because both leaves and stems of tomatoes contain this poisonous substance!

can chickens eat turnips?

Turnips are not poisonous for chickens, so they can eat them.

To prepare turnip greens to feed my hens I would chop up the leaves and peel off any thick skin that could be difficult or dangerous for them to digest before cooking it in a pan with some oil on medium heat until tender.

Although this vegetable is generally hard, at least compared to other leafy vegetables like lettuce and Swiss chard, giving your poultry access turns out more benefits than harm when you consider how beneficial its nitrate content has been shown by researchers studying chicken health.

can chickens eat tortillas?

Chickens can definitely eat tortillas and will love either flour or corn. Chickens are similar to people in that they enjoy the bread of any kind.


can chickens eat uncooked oatmeal?

Oats are a great source of protein, vitamins, and antioxidants. Chickens love them! Since oats help treat pasty butt in baby chicks and make for a nutritious warming treat during the winter months – they’re awesome for your flock.


can chickens eat venison?

A great addition to your homemade chicken feed would be ground venison that has been dehydrated. This product can either be eaten raw, cooked, or even used in its dried form. Chickens will eat it no matter how you present the food and they’ll get a boost of protein from this healthy option!

can chickens eat vegetables?

Chickens enjoy a variety of vegetables, limited only by the personal tastes of your flock.

Whether you feed them fresh veggies from your garden or produce trimmings from local grocers, chickens love bok choy, spinach (beet greens), endive, and Swiss chard.

Chickens also eat broccoli and cauliflower as well as cucumbers that have been sliced into smaller pieces for easier consumption

The list of vegetables you can feed to your chickens is nearly endless; it’s just limited in what each chicken will like best based on their taste preferences!

Some great options are beet greens with leaves attached since they’re easy to cut off when cooking them up at home or broccoli if picked young enough so there aren’t any stems that get tough and unpalatable to the chickens.


can chickens eat watermelon?

Chickens are always on the lookout for freshwater to drink. Watermelons make a great treat during summer when temperatures rise and it is easy for chickens to overheat, thus making them thirsty.

can chickens eat walnuts?

Adding any kind of nut to a chicken’s diet is perfectly fine. This includes walnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, cashews pecans pistachios, and more!

“Walnuts are okay for chickens,” as long as they aren’t given too often. “no more than one half a nut, two or three times a week.” Peanuts can be an issue because “they tend to have high levels of Aflatoxin which is poisonous to poultry”.

can chickens eat whole corn?

If you’re wondering whether or not chickens can eat whole corn, the answer is yes! As a matter of fact, they love it.

This “treat” provides them with some nutritional value and enables them to scratch for food.

You’ll find that most birds prefer cracked corn versus whole corn because dried and broken pieces are less labor-intensive.

can chickens eat worms?

Chickens can eat earthworms as they are a hearty and healthy snack for them. Earthworms contain over 20 trace minerals, including calcium, iron, etc., which is good news for chickens when it comes to their health!

can chickens eat weeds?

Yard weeds are great for chickens to eat, as long as they haven’t been treated with any chemicals. So grab a handful and toss them into your coop!

can chickens eat wheat?

When choice-feeding your hens, you can let them eat up to 70% of their diet as whole grains. This is great because they will readily consume things like wheat, oats, or barley (but not corn) and be able to digest it well.


can chickens eat xylitol?

Many people have chickens for pets, or even to eat. There are special food requirements that must be met in order to ensure your flock’s health and safety.

Xylitol is a common artificial sweetener with many benefits when consumed by humans but should not come into contact with the birds due to its toxicity levels within their digestive system; alcohol-based cleaners can also cause damage so they need clean water at all times as well!


can chickens eat yogurt?

Chickens love yogurt, and there’s no better way to eat it than straight from the bowl. Yogurt is a great treat for chickens because not only does it taste good but also helps even out their guts’ bacteria levels, which makes food easier to digest. To feed them plain yogurt: …

can chickens eat yams?

Yes, chickens can definitely eat yams. They’re a good source of vitamin B-complex, and when cooked properly (boiled or baked), they make an excellent chicken treat! However, as with other root vegetables like potatoes or carrots, the older the tuber becomes from harvesting time to your table.

can chickens eat yellow squash?

Chickens are crazy for yellow squashes! They’ll eat the flesh, seeds, skin, and leaves because it’s a nutrient-rich snack.

can chickens eat yeast?

Bakers yeast is a great alternative to the more expensive brewers’ yeast. It’s perfect for feeding chickens and does not break your bank when you buy it in bulk, by the brick!


can chickens eat zucchini?

Chickens can eat zucchini. It contains lots of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K, B-vitamins, C, and E as well as manganese which is vital for energy production in chickens’ bodies!

can chickens eat zinnias?

Chickens generally do not eat zinnias because the flowers have a bitter taste. While chickens might test out whether or not leaves are edible, they will most likely only take one bite before deciding that it is too much work to finish eating an entire plant.

what can chickens not eat?

Chickens are harmed by a variety of plants, foods, and insecticides. However, there are several things that are poisonous to chickens. Following are some of them.

Avocado— The flesh of this fruit contains persin, which is harmful to the heart. The seed is also dangerous as they can cause breathing difficulties and other problems.

Chocolate— This is toxic to chickens. The nibs are not dangerous, but the beans contain theobromine, which can be harmful.

Onions–This vegetable can cause anemia in chickens. It also causes breathing difficulties and skin irritation when it comes in contact with their skin.

Rhubarb–This is a common plant that grows in most gardens. It contains oxalic acid, which is poisonous to chickens and many other animals.

Tomatoes— These contain solanine, which can poison your chicken when eaten in large quantities. The stem and leaves of this plant are also dangerous for the same reason.

Wild mushrooms--These contain muscarine. They are one of the deadliest plants for chickens.

Fried Food–This type of food can cause heart problems in chickens.

Raw Potatoes–These contain solanine which is poisonous to chickens. Keep these away from them at all costs.

Coffee or tea–Chickens should not be given these. These contain caffeine and can cause heart irregularity.

Amaranth, raw Buckwheat, & Arrowroot–These can cause calcium deficiency which leads to egg binding in chickens.

Alcohol–It’s not good for humans either! Alcohol causes dehydration, which leads to death.

Maggots–This is generally not considered a plant. But it’s very nutritious for chickens if cooked properly.

Uncooked Potato–This contains high amounts of solanine which can make your chicken sick or even kill it.

Xylitol–This is a sugar substitute that appears in chewing gums and chocolates. Do not give this to your chicken as it can cause liver failure.

Stone Fruit pit, apple seeds, pear seeds, dried beans, avocado pit–These contain cyanide which is poisonous to chickens.

Cocoa Mulch–This is dangerous for chickens and other pets to eat. It contains chocolate which is toxic to them.

Eggplant–These contain solanine, just like tomatoes and potatoes, and can cause your chicken harm when eaten in large quantities.

All of these items can be dangerous for your chicken’s health. However, it is important to remember that they have been used as a means of controlling parasites and other infestations in chickens. Awareness of their harmfulness will help keep you and your pet safe.

  1. Carrots Yes
  2. Cantaloupe Yes
  3. Nectarines Yes
  4. Beans Yes
  5. Shrimp Yes
  6. Meat Scraps No
  7. Tomatoes Yes
  8. Squash Yes
  9. Garlic Yes
  10. Pea Pods Yes
  11. Cauliflower Yes
  12. Chocolate No
  13. Butter No
  14. Pickles No
  15. Sugar Snap Peas Yes
  16. Corn Husks Yes
  17. Spaghetti Squash Yes
  18. Radish Leaves Yes
  19. Lentils No
  20. Orange Peels Yes
  21. French Fries No
  22. Meat Yes
  23. Broccoli Yes
  24. Moldy Bread No
  25. Banana Peels Yes
  26. Melon Yes
  27. Pasta Yes
  28. Watermelon Yes
  29. Cooked Beans Yes
  30. Coffee Grounds No
  31. Chicken Yes
  32. Potato Peels Yes
  33. Walnuts Yes
  34. Cherry Pits No
  35. Potato Peelings Yes
  36. Potato Skins Yes
  37. Peach Skins Yes
  38. Sweet Potatoes Yes
  39. Dairy No
  40. Apple Cores No
  41. Brussels Sprouts Yes
  42. Chia Seeds Yes
  43. Dry Rice No
  44. Grapes Yes
  45. Pecans Yes
  46. Cooked Oatmeal Yes
  47. Cheese Yes
  48. Bananas Yes
  49. Flowers Yes
  50. Raw Corn Yes
  51. Raw Potatoes Yes
  52. Treat Can Chickens Eat
  53. Hot Peppers Yes
  54. Ginger Root Yes
  55. Citrus Yes
  56. Zucchini Yes
  57. Raw Pumpkin Yes
  58. Peppers Yes
  59. Kiwi Skin Yes
  60. Green Beans Yes
  61. Brown Rice Yes
  62. Dog Food Yes
  63. Cucumbers Yes
  64. Plums Yes
  65. Raw Carrots Yes
  66. Strawberries Yes
  67. Oatmeal Yes
  68. Blackberries Yes
  69. Mealworms Yes
  70. Popped Popcorn Yes
  71. Bread Yes
  72. Grapes With Seeds No
  73. Apples Yes
  74. Apple Seeds No
  75. Potatoes Yes
  76. Beet Greens Yes
  77. Kale Yes
  78. Leeks No
  79. Pumpkin Yes
  80. Almonds Yes
  81. Green Onions Yes
  82. Radishes Yes
  83. Pinto Beans No
  84. Cat Food Yes
  85. Chocolate Cake No
  86. Peanuts No
  87. Oranges Yes
  88. Mango Skin Yes
  89. Kiwi Yes
  90. Cucumber Peels Yes
  91. Fruit Yes
  92. Raw Meat Yes
  93. Cantaloupe Rinds Yes
  94. Worms Yes
  95. Green Peppers Yes
  96. Spinach Yes
  97. Tuna No
  98. Eggs Yes
  99. Popcorn Yes
  100. Asparagus Yes
  101. Cereal Yes
  102. Pears Yes
  103. Beet Leaves Yes
  104. Raw Fish Yes
  105. Fish Yes
  106. Blueberries Yes
  107. Beets Yes
  108. Raw Broccoli Yes
  109. Grass Yes
  110. Peas Yes
  111. Acorns No
  112. Raspberries Yes
  113. Nuts Yes
  114. Cooked Pinto Beans Yes
  115. Oats Yes
  116. Uncooked Oatmeal Yes
  117. Popcorn Kernels Yes
  118. Sunflower Seeds Yes
  119. Shrimp Shells Yes
  120. Crickets Yes
  121. Grapefruit Yes
  122. Bean Sprouts Yes
  123. Pomegranate Yes
  124. Celery Yes
  125. Earthworms Yes
  126. Cooked Potatoes Yes
  127. Bell Peppers Yes
  128. Cantaloupe Seeds Yes
  129. Coconut Yes
  130. Corn Yes
  131. Pomegranate Seeds Yes
  132. Soybeans No
  133. Quinoa Yes
  134. Cinnamon Yes
  135. Rolled Oats Yes
  136. Watermelon Rind Yes
  137. Watermelon Seeds Yes
  138. Pumpkin Seeds Yes
  139. Dry Oatmeal Yes
  140. Raw Eggplant Yes
  141. Lettuce Yes
  142. Raw Cabbage Yes
  143. Pineapple Yes
  144. Peanut Butter Yes
  145. Onions No
  146. Corn On The Cob Yes
  147. Sweet Potato Skins Yes
  148. Radish Greens Yes
  149. Peaches Yes
  150. Yogurt Yes
  151. Mango Yes
  152. Avocado No
  153. Rhubarb Leaves No
  154. Olives No
  155. Eggplant No
  156. Baked Potatoes Yes
  157. Green Tomatoes Yes
  158. Goat Feed Yes
  159. Cabbage Yes
  160. Rice Yes
  161. Apple Peels Yes
  162. Ham Yes
  163. Cooked Rice Yes
  164. Peanut Shells Yes
  165. Rhubarb No
  166. Arugula Yes
  167. Marshmallows No
  168. Mashed Potatoes Yes
  169. Cashews Yes
  170. Tomato Plants No
  171. Dates No
  172. Raw Green Beans No
  173. Wheat Yes
  174. Raisins Yes
  175. Cherries Yes

Conclusion: What Can Chickens Eat List? A Comprehensive List

The article has provided you with a great list of foods that chickens can eat, but it’s important to remember that these amounts should be adjusted based on the age and breed of your chicken.

You may also need to periodically supplement their diet with an additional source of protein if they’re not getting enough from the feed you have them on. Now that we’ve covered what kind of food is safe for chickens, let’s talk about how to take care of them!

We’ll start by outlining some general tips before diving into more specific topics like daily maintenance tasks or when something goes wrong in your flock.

These are all things worth knowing so don’t forget to read through this entire post for everything you need to know about raising happy hens at

Chickens can eat a wide variety of food, so the list is extensive.

You’ll find that most birds prefer cracked corn versus whole corn because dried and broken pieces are less labor-intensive.

If you’re wondering whether or not chickens can eat something in particular on this comprehensive list–chances are they probably can!

